Local Marketing Source Blog

Local SEO Tutorial – Local Marketing Industry Update #84

Weekly Update Overview

-Big Tip – What is Google Map Maker and how to use to edit and delete listings.

-Google’s Matt Cutts: Stitching Content Makes For Bad Quality Content

-Google MapMaker Back Online – What has changed?

-Couple fined for negative online review

What’s Going on in the Member Facebook Group

Discussion about company business name changes

Can someone tell me how they are doing their linkbuilding in a post hummingbird world

Video pricing discussions

Many, many new introductions

What’s Working Now in my Agency

Effective meetings, Systems and Accountability check points

Local Business Tip This week – Internet still means face to face – it’s about relationships
Agency Tip this week – Face to Face Sales

The Local Marketing Industry Weekly Update, presented by Scott Gallagher. Scott is the co-founder of Local Marketing Source and has become the recognized expert in providing local marketing services to local businesses.

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Written by

Scott Gallagher is a founding faculty member of Local Marketing Source and owner of WON Marketing, Inc. For over 14 years Scott has provided consulting and online marketing services to hundreds of businesses.

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