When thinking about marketing a business online, too many people overlook the actuality of their real geographic location and their service area. The notion that because they are online that they can simply offer service to everyone is a useful one to some extent, but it can also make it difficult to focus your marketing strategies. One of the marketing strategies for small business owners that is often forgotten about is what can be gained by clearly defining your service area online.
Marketing experts will tell you that success in marketing is all about specificity. You have to target your potential sales targets as specifically as you can in order to increase the overall conversion rates that you’re going to have. Targeting your sales prospects by service area is an important part of this narrowing down process to make sure that you’re only investing time into your most qualified leads possible.
When you’re defining your service area, there are several methods that you can use to do this. First of all, defining your service area on your website itself is important so that when people do find their way to your site they can easily see how far your services extend. However, beyond simply listing the area that you offer your services in online, you also can help to define your service area by using local search to bring qualified leads to that website in the first place.
Placing a local search emphasis in your SEO efforts for your own website can have several positive benefits for you. The first thing it is going to do is allow you rank much higher in the SERPS for certain keywords, because there is usually less competition on any given local search front than there is for the more generalized industry keywords.
The other reason this is such a useful technique is that it works like a built in pre-defining measure of your service area. Using local search as one of the primary means to drive leads to your website will ensure that the majority of those who find their way to their site will be qualified leads that may actually be interested in purchasing your services. Despite the internet, most people still buy services from small businesses in a similar geographic area.
This is all so important because it is a large waste of time to try and sell products to leads that are unqualified, unable, or uninterested in buying your services. People that are experienced in marketing know that they have to spend their time on leads that will actually convert. This helps to create a greater ROI on your time. By defining your service area you help to make sure that you aren’t wasting that valuable time on leads that are never going to turn into profit for you. Creating a clearly defined service area is just one of the many focusing tools that you can use to make sure that the time that you invest into marketing a small business creates the greatest eventual profit.
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