Scott Gallagher
Scott Gallagher is a founding faculty member of Local Marketing Source and owner of WON Marketing, Inc. For over 14 years Scott has provided consulting and online marketing services to hundreds of businesses with annual revenues up to $50 million. Scott is an expert in the field of internet marketing. He frequently publishes articles and conducts training seminars. Visit his Small Business Internet Marketing Blog.
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith is the co-founder and Managing Partner of Local Marketing Source. With over 18 years of business management experience Ryan has built and operated several businesses including the executive leadership of a fire protection service business with over $50m in annual revenue delivering service throughout North America. In 1998 Ryan became fascinated with online marketing after his insurance agency sold the first auto policy completely through the Internet. With an MBA from W.P. Carey at ASU, proven executive leadership experience and a passion for marketing Ryan directs the strategic and operational activities of the company.
Mike Gelblicht
Michael Gelblicht is the Founder of Convert Higher, LLC, specializing is conversion rate optimization to turn more website visitors into buyers. Mike founded his 1st online business in 2003 selling motorcycle accessories that exceeded $1M in annual sales. He went on to build multiple high-volume online businesses . Mike is an InfusionSoft Certified Consultant, a Microsoft Certified Trainer, and a faculty member of Local Marketing Source.
Kristie McDonald
Kristie McDonald is the founder of Nitro Toyz online store and CEO of Vitruvian. In partnership with Howie Jacobson, PhD, author of “AdWords For Dummies”, Vitruvian is dedicated to helping existing agencies offer high end, professional PPC management services to their clients. With over 20 years of experience as a McKinsey & Co. trained consultant, Kristie has become a leading expert on the Internet for eCommerce and online marketing.

*The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors