When you want a job in marketing, there are many ways that you can go about obtaining one. The path that most take is the traditional university or college training, and then applying for marketing positions with their bachelor’s or associate’s degree in marketing. There are new ways to find the training that you need when looking for marketing employment, and they offer considerable advantages over some of the more outdated methodologies.
When you enroll in a college program, there is no doubt that you will receive a solid education in some of the basic principles of marketing. However, you will have spent two to four years of your life on that education. In addition, you will have spent tens of thousands of dollars on that degree. While the education you received may be solid, that degree in itself is no guarantee of a job in the future.
There is an alternative to this method of building your resume. Instead, you could turn to the educational options that are available to you online, and focus on building your skills, rather than your education. On the internet, you can find literally hundreds of short courses on all types of material that can help make you a better marketer. You can take these courses as required to learn more about any specific type of marketing that you might be interested in.
The great thing about this model of education is how it can blend with a working life. There is no reason that you can’t be working in marketing already, and then continue enhancing your education through courses like this online. This will in turn enable you to find more clients, which then enable you to afford more education. You can create a self-sustaining model of growth when you do it this way, rather than trying to get a large education first, and then hoping that you get a job that will help you pay for it.
The other good thing about this model is that many of these online training modules and courses come with excellent support. If you’re taking a good course, you should not only have contact with a teacher, but with the person who developed the course themselves in many cases. This allows you to ask pointed and pertinent questions, and to have them answered by experts on the matter. This improves the quality of the education that you are obtaining.
When you go about your education in this method, you gain the ability to custom craft every bit of the education that you gain. The more that you work in the industry, the more you should clearly be able to see where needs are arising in the field. As you spot these areas, you can then get the training that you feel will fill those needs, helping yourself get further along in your career.
Ultimately, the goal of any education is the work that it will someday lead to, except in the case of pure academics. It seems unlikely that a traditional educational model is going to be able to keep pace with a marketing field that is as quick to change as the internet is. On the other hand, getting the information straight from those who are on the front lines is a way to make sure that you are a valuable asset to anyone that is looking to employ a marketer within their organization. If you have been finding the marketing field more competitive than you expected, this type of a shift in your thinking could be the edge that you’ve been looking for to set you apart.
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